Currently Playing and Reviewing

Nights Journey of Dreams (Wii)
Spyro: A Hero's Tail (GC)
Kirby Air Ride (GC)
YuGiOh the Falsebound Kingdom (GC)

All Rated E

Warning: There might be some spoilers but mostly fun reviews. You won't find walkthroughs here search for them yourself ya bunch of cheaters! LOL!

A Tribute to Sonic the Hedgehog, 'Hero' by Nickelback

Sonic the Hedgehog- 'His World'


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ok so if you look at my post about new pokemon games and don't see any pictures or videios its because people are not allowed to have black and withe pictures anymore:(

Thursday, September 16, 2010


WHO HOOOO new sonic game it looks good and better then the last couple of sonic games and has a better theme song than most other sonic games (im looking at you sonic unleashed) its about how eggman is building a theme park on a another planet and sonic wants to stop him so he meets these aleins called whisps and...just watch the vidio.

LOVE it.