Currently Playing and Reviewing

Nights Journey of Dreams (Wii)
Spyro: A Hero's Tail (GC)
Kirby Air Ride (GC)
YuGiOh the Falsebound Kingdom (GC)

All Rated E

Warning: There might be some spoilers but mostly fun reviews. You won't find walkthroughs here search for them yourself ya bunch of cheaters! LOL!

A Tribute to Sonic the Hedgehog, 'Hero' by Nickelback

Sonic the Hedgehog- 'His World'


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

hello peoples i was just surfing thru the sonic wikipedia and found this really funny video of sonic the werehog and chip called sonic:night of the werehog and is better then over 98% of the sonic x show so enjoy(if you wanna see something else funny go to you tube and look for shadow and silver watch shadow the hedgehog intro it's really funny) here is the site for all things sonic

heres the movie.